A quick search on the internet will reveal a whole host of quotes about friendship, from deep and meaningful to funny and quirky. The one thing they all have in common is that they tell us how we as humans can’t do without friends. Even the most introverted of us need one or two good buddies to help us get out the front door now and then.
With the warmer weather coming soon, there’ll be so many ways and reasons to get together with old friends, from joining them for backyard barbecues to playing your favorite online casino games. It’s the best way to celebrate and make new memories that can carry you and your circle well into the future.
How to stay in touch with long distance friends
While the impact of COVID-19 has made it more difficult to meet up in real life lately, technology has come to our rescue, especially for those who live far away from us. So many platforms have opened up for people to connect with friends. Facebook’s video chat, WhatsApp video conference calls, Zoom, Telegram and more have mushroomed over the last few years and are so easy to use.
This technology has many advantages – it keeps you in touch, helps you remember important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries, and reminds you of special moments that you and your friends have shared over the years.
If you’ve lost touch with some of your old friends, you can use Facebook or even LinkedIn to look for them and reconnect. A quick Direct Message could very well see you talking or texting once again and wondering why you ever drifted apart.
If you’re a bit of a technophobe or prefer something more tangible, you and your friends can start a traveling journal. Purchase a journal-type book from your local stationery store and be the first to start the journal. Set the time period that each of your friends keeps the journal for before sending it on to the next person. Along with your own stories or doodles, you can add comments to your friends’ adventures and keep the stories fresh.
Perhaps it’s time to prove that the art of letter writing hasn’t died. Find some nice writing paper, a good pen and a comfortable desk and start telling your friends all about what’s happening in your life. Once you’re done, seal it in an envelope, put a stamp on it and send it to a friend. It’ll be a wonderful surprise for them, especially in these days of endless texts and emails.
Another way to stay in touch with friends is to plan a trip away with your group. But don’t go to the normal places; plan your trip around some of your country’s lesser-known attractions. Take pictures, share them and enjoy the journey. And while you’re on the road, take a pit stop at any MGM resort and play the odds at one of the casino table games or slot machines. Or, for those who are passengers on the drive, you could even try your luck at online casino games on your device.
Keeping the connections local

If your friends are closer to home, there’s a host of activities you can participate in when building relationships.
Before winter melts into spring, invite your friends over for a meal and some games such as 30 Seconds, Heads Up, charades, or even Jenga or Monopoly. When the board games become bored games, you can always turn on the TV and catch the next big game. Or try your hand at online betting and enjoy the excitement and suspense of seeing if your team will win. Log on to BetMGM for live dealer games where you can collectively make betting choices and spread the winning odds through the group.
And when spring arrives, get the gas barbecue out or go flame-grilled with a wood or charcoal fire and have the friends over for some fun in the sun. If there are children coming along, string up a piñata, suggest some age-appropriate games, or provide some giant chalk for some impromptu paving art to keep them entertained.
If your home isn’t big enough to host your friends and their families, why not set up a date at a local park? Take the dogs, a football, a frisbee or two, or even a badminton set, pack a picnic and some sunscreen and enjoy summer. Play a few team games with points and prizes and put your skills to the test – but remember, in the end, it’s only a game, and win or lose, you’ll remember the times shared.
For something a little different, try a night picnic; same concept but different activities. Do some research on the stars that can be seen from your neck of the woods, take a telescope if you can, or even some binoculars, find a dark, unlit stretch and watch the stars. Once it’s become a little colder, you could light a fire and tell ghost stories or even share your favorite memories. Perhaps, there’s a budding guitarist in your group and you could find yourself breaking into some campfire songs.
Friendships can start at BetMGM
When the get-together is over, and the memories have been made, go home and find a whole new set of friends on BetMGM’s platforms. Register to play with a live dealer casino table game or hit that online slots button and see if you can get the next lucky spin and win enough to make the next friendship gathering even more unforgettable.