The Real Reason Why Casinos Change Dealers So Often

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Front view of a casino dealer as they lay out playing cards on a green felt table.
BetMGM Jul 27, 2022, 12:02 PM

Have you noticed how often dealers are changed when you play casino table games at traditional casinos? Why does this happen? Do they want to interrupt your unbelievable winning streak? Is it a secret casino strategy that increases the house edge? 

So, why do casino dealers rotate? Take a closer look at casino dealer rotation and the reasons why dealers are changed out so often below.

The Life of a Casino Dealer

To help you understand why dealer rotations are a necessity and not just a sneaky casino secret strategy, try and picture what it’s like to be a dealer at a casino. Imagine a job where you had to watch every single move other people make. You can’t look away, get distracted, or check the time. Your attention must be focused on the table at all times, as well as on every move or bet that takes place.

Not only does dealing cards and managing bets in table games require constant attention from casino card dealers, but it also requires an incredible amount of concentration. If you looked away from the table during a hand or let your mind drift for even a moment, you could miss a crucial detail. This could give cheating players an opportunity to make their move. Dealers have to work with the pressure of knowing they are constantly under surveillance. If they are caught acting unprofessionally at any time, they could be suspected of collusion or cheating. 

Why Do Casinos Change Dealers So Often?

Even though professional and friendly dealers make their jobs seem effortless, their work is stressful and tiring. Dealers have to be master multitaskers. They must deal cards, take bets, pay out winnings, and manage the betting pot. And while doing all this, they must continue monitoring suspicious behavior and ensuring that no casino rules are broken.

No matter how competent a dealer is, you’ll agree that this isn’t something you can do for a few hours without taking a few breaks. Dealers must take frequent breaks so they are not overworked and can keep up optimal concentration. When you see your dealers switching every 40 minutes for a 20-minute break during in-person or live dealer casino games, remember that they probably really need a breather. 

How Often Do Casinos Switch Dealers?

Dealer rotations vary depending on where you play casino games. Dealers can serve one table for 30 to 60 minutes before taking a break or switching tables. 

Other Reasons Casinos Change Dealers

Player and Dealer Familiarity

Dealers undergo training to ensure they maintain professionalism while chatting with players. Still, being too familiar with players makes it easier for players and dealers to work together to cheat the casino. Dealer rotations lower the chances of any suspicious activity between players and dealers. 

Making Games Less Predictable

Just like players, every dealer is unique. They each have unique styles of dealing. In roulette, some dealers spin the ball in a distinctive way – otherwise known as the dealer’s signature. 

Changing dealers makes it difficult for players to spot the dealer’s signature and predict where a spin will land. Even though the chances of this strategy succeeding are extremely low, changing dealers makes it challenging for players to analyze them and identify a dealer’s quirks and habits. 

Keeping Players Happy

It’s proper casino etiquette to be kind to your dealers and to tip them well. However, even with these unwritten casino laws, sometimes customers are less than pleased with their dealers and are very verbal about it. 

Many players blame their bad luck on dealers, which means dealers often have to deal with difficult clients. Changing dealers helps keep these players happy. Even if they dislike a dealer, they can be comforted knowing they won’t have to play with them for too long. 

Of course, some people simply don’t enjoy the interaction of dealers at traditional casinos, and this could make them more suitable to an AI or live dealer in an online casino rather than a brick-and-mortar establishment.

Keeping Dealers Happy

While dealers are changed regularly to please casino goers, as seen above, this also goes the other way. It’s not easy for dealers to interact with difficult players who are blaming them for their losses, and it can be in as much interest for the dealer as the player for them to take a break.

This gives them a moment to catch their breath and move away from players that are hassling them.

Does Dealer Rotation Affect Your Winning Streak?

Ultimately, casinos aren’t cheating or tricking you when they change dealers. All casino games have a set house edge that players can research and read about before playing. Dealer changes help casinos maintain this house edge so they don’t have a bigger advantage than they should. 

It might seem unfair that casinos will switch dealers right in the middle of your winning streak. But, once you understand that one of the most crucial parts of a dealer’s job is ensuring no suspicious activity or cheating is taking place, this move makes sense. What’s more, the rotations help dealers perform their jobs efficiently. The fast mathematical calculations dealers have to make without assistance might be affected if they’re tired or distracted. Switching a dealer means a fresh eye is watching a table to ensure the winning streak is indeed fair and not due to cheating or a strained dealer. 

Many players believe that dealers can ‘leave with their luck.’ But the opposite can also be true. If you’re having a terrible losing streak, the casino will still switch dealers and possibly ‘change your luck.’ Obviously, this belief is not backed by science or facts and is more of a superstition than anything else. However, it serves to show that dealer rotations can also work in your favor when you need them to. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions and Do Your Research

Legitimate casinos have to follow strict casino regulations and undergo regular audits. If you feel unsure or suspicious about anything when you play real money casino games, do your research to understand why casinos do certain things. If you play slots online, read up on the casino technology that’s used to protect you online to ensure all games are legal and fair.

The BetMGM online casino is ready to answer any questions you may have about how casinos operate. The 24/7 customer support team is available via email, phone call, or chat. Feel free to ask all your questions about the differences between live dealer and regular online casino games, how house edges work, or why dealers swipe the table.

The World’s Top Dealers Are Ready To Play on the BetMGM App

Not to brag, but BetMGM has some of the most professional and well-trained dealers in the business. Thanks to the BetMGM app and the optimized online casino games, you can play table games with a real live dealer without leaving your house. Create an account to meet dealers and explore the widest selections of online slots, sports betting, and much more.

Actress Vanessa Hudgens flipping casino chips next to the text "The King of Casinos"
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